Everything you always wanted to know about lice ...
Lice that are interested in humans are blood sucking insects that leave bites on the scalp. These bites cause itching. Lice can not jump or fly, only crawl. They move from one head to another by electrostatic attraction, at random.
Todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre los piojos ...
Los piojos que están interesados en los seres humanos son insectos chupadores de sangre que salen de las picaduras en el cuero cabelludo. Estas picaduras causan picazón. Los piojos no pueden saltar ni volar, sólo el rastreo. Se mueven de una cabeza a otra por atracción electrostática, al azar.
Everything you always wanted to know about lice ...
Lice that are interested in humans are blood sucking insects that leave bites on the scalp. These bites cause itching. Lice can not jump or fly, only crawl. They move from one head to another by electrostatic attraction, at random.